
Slm & Hello Everyone!

We are students from National University of Malaysia (UKM) and taking English Science Social (Set 7) for this semester. This Blog is part of the course work assigned. We are required to find an issue related to the social and humanitarian issues and has been chosen as the title above. Here we will highlight a number of articles, opinions, comments, or anything else related to the issue.

You can also leave comments or respond to what we send.
Together we can be bully FREE!


Tuesday 19 October 2010

Consequences Effect Of Bullying

  1. Short term effects - Being a victim is very stressful for children. Many children develop a strong dislike of going to school, especially times like recess or gym class. Many victims begin to distrust all their peers at school and have problems making friends. Extreme victims can develop depression or physical illness.
  2. Long term effects - The long term consequences of being a victim vary a good deal. Most victims of bullying do well in school and are able to make friends are they grow older. Most victims, especially if they receive support from adults important in their lives, survive the experience of being bullied without long term effects.

  1. Short term effects - Even though bullies are sometimes viewed positively by their peers, they rarely are capable of maintaining close friendships. They are usually not doing well in school and not well liked by their teachers.
  2. Long term effects - Bullying is a behaviour that is very often one of the first steps to more serious problems. Unless some kind of intervention takes place, the aggression of bullying often leads to more serious acts of delinquency and criminal activity. Bullies are also more likely to use drugs and alcohol as adolescents.

By: Nursazella

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