
Slm & Hello Everyone!

We are students from National University of Malaysia (UKM) and taking English Science Social (Set 7) for this semester. This Blog is part of the course work assigned. We are required to find an issue related to the social and humanitarian issues and has been chosen as the title above. Here we will highlight a number of articles, opinions, comments, or anything else related to the issue.

You can also leave comments or respond to what we send.
Together we can be bully FREE!


Tuesday 19 October 2010

The Bullies

People who bully others don't often realise how much they're affecting another person's life.
They don't usually know that the people they bully can seriously suffer from stress or even become seriously depressed. People can bully others for lots of reasons. Some do it because they're feeling a type of power over people who are too scared to do anything about it. Some of the tell tale signs of a person who bullies others include:
  • They deal with their own fears and troubles by showing off and acting tough
  • They sometimes have problems in their school or family life and take it out on others
  • They pick fights first so no-one can pick a fight with them

They might be doing this for a number of reasons:
  • They don't know it's wrong
  • There are copying a brother, sister or a family member they admire
  • They don't know any other way to mix with school friends
  • Their friends encourage them to bully

Just because someone has problems of their own, doesn't mean that the bullying of others is excusable. But it might explain why they're doing it and should be seen as a sign to talk to someone about it. Considering that head teachers can now permanently exclude someone from school for bullying, people who bully should try to find help and talk about their situation as soon as possible.

By: Nursazella

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